Chadwick Families Connected

Welcome to Chadwick School's youth wellness page, Chadwick Families Connected. This resource was created for our community by South Bay Families Connected (SBFC). We hope the resources, videos, and educational material provided on this website page will support our parents, teachers, and staff as we work together in our shared vision of helping every student thrive and exhibit the Chadwick Core Values of honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness and compassion toward themselves and others. The ultimate goal is for us to work together to improve the social-emotional wellness of our youth and set them on a path for success in school, college and later life.

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Resources for our Chadwick Community

Chadwick families and educators have free, unlimited access to the following Families Connected youth wellness information, events, and curated galleries of resources. Please note that clicking on any of the buttons below will bring you to the larger gallery of resources on the Families Connected website. 

Recommended SBFC Videos