Together with my board members, we thank Ellen Rosenberg for the significant role she has played in helping South Bay Families Connected (SBFC) achieve its mission of supporting youth mental health and social-emotional wellness.
Ellen’s commitment to youth wellness was evident during her two terms on the MBUSD Board of Directors. In that capacity, along with other South Bay parents and leaders, she saw a need for a new approach to youth substance use prevention and mental health awareness. She embraced SBFC and the Families Connected concept and website, created by LSM Communications, LLC, as a modern, responsive and agile approach that could make a difference. She played a critical role in the initial launch of the SBFC pilot project at Mira Costa. Seven years later, SBFC serves families at over 115 Partner Schools.
Ellen believed strongly that SBFC should become a fully incorporated 501(c)3, and singlehandedly recruited key individuals, like Gary Wayland and Charlotte Gesten, both of whom she worked with to achieve SBFC’s non-profit status, awarded in 2017. In addition to serving as SBFC’s Board President through 2020, she has been a driving force in SBFC’s grant and fundraising efforts, heading up both of these committees throughout 2021. Again, Ellen’s talent for recruiting exceptional people, like Linda Loftus, resulted in her grants committee’s acquisition of a $5,000 grant from the Crail Johnson Foundation, which will expand SBFC’s community education programming in underserved communities. Her fundraising efforts, including the implementation of new software, significantly expanded SBFC’s reach and fundraising success. As she always does, Ellen inspired help from talented people like Charlotte Gesten and Carla Buck who made the software implementation and outgoing communications possible.
Ellen will step down from her role on the Board in February of this year, but will continue to provide direction on the Crail Johnson reporting metrics. We sincerely thank her for her tireless efforts to help youth thrive, a commitment she will continue through her role on the LA County Teach For America Board of Directors.
Amy Howorth
SBFC Board Chair