It's completely normal to worry when things get hectic and complicated. But if worries become overwhelming, you may feel that they're running your life. If you spend an excessive amount of time feeling worried or nervous, or you have difficulty sleeping because of your anxiety, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. They may be symptoms of an anxiety problem or disorder. On this page we hope to connect you with information about different kinds of anxiety and ways to help you cope. For instructions to view this page in Spanish, click on en Español.
Families Connected Resources
You are not alone
Pro surfer Alex Gray shares about his struggles with anxiety and how he copes.
Understanding and reducing anxiety & stress
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Curated Gallery of Resources
Clicking on the logos, images, and links below will take you out of the Families Connected website and to the online resource indicated. Families Connected is not affiliated with these organizations, nor have these organizations paid to have their resources shared here. Please note that, unlike the Families Connected website, some of the websites/articles included here may display pop-up ads. Families Connected will remain open in your browser.
5 Things to Say to a Loved One with Anxiety
You are not alone.
There is no reason to feel ashamed.
It’s ok to not be ok.
How can I help?
I support your decision. (If they need counseling or medication)
Mental Health Literacy provides insight on a wide array of mental health issues, including Generalized Anxiety, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder.
Mental Health Literacy also offers tools and strategies that will help you develop better sleeping habits, which we all know is critical for our physical and mental health.